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Sometime ago it has been released that Civilization 5 had to stop its service on Steam - which is one of the biggest games in the market. However, there are more options than just playing this game on Youtube or another streaming website. You can download Civilization 5 Deutsch Vollversionl for free and play it on your device of choice. It might seem like a long journey, but with this article you will be able to get rid of your doubts and download this game for free. ✔ What do you need to start the game? - This is not easily done without an internet connection, but luckily some people make an effort to share torrents. One such website is and here you can find all the necessary files. - The minimum PC System needed for the game to be played on your PC is an Intel Core2Duo processor or equivalent, 2 GB of RAM memory, 4GB of free disk space for the game, Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP1 / 7/8 operating system. However, if you have a powerful computer you can get hundreds of hours of entertainment from this game! ✔ Install the game on your PC - Once you have downloaded all the necessary files, it's time to start installing Civilization 5 Deutsch Vollversionl . You can do it by clicking on the .exe file. Once you see the download bar, do not click on anything until it has finished! This process may take quite some time. - After installation is complete, run the game and play. ✔ Sign in to Steam account and get an activation code - I hope you already have a Steam account. If not, create one quickly so you can add Civilization 5 Deutsch Vollversionl to your list of games in Steam! First go to and click "Log in" in the top menu, then enter your username and password and click "Log In". - In the left menu you can find a button with a small alien. Click on it and select "Games". - Add Civilization 5 Deutsch Vollversionl to the list of games in your Steam account, then click "Add a Game" and start activating your product. ✔ Go to the next step, activate the product on Steam and play Civilization 5 Deutsch Vollversionl for free! - Log in to your Steam account by clicking on the top right corner of the window where you normally log in. Then click "Games" - "Activate a Product on Steam". - Click on "Steam" in the upper right corner of the window and log in with your Steam account. - Make sure that Civilization 5 Deutsch Vollversionl is activated on your Steam account, then click on the "Activate" button. - After activation is completed, Civilization 5 Deutsch Vollversionl will be available for you to download and play! Thanks for following this article to complete this step! You can now easily play Civilization 5 Deutsch Vollversionl for free! Enjoy the game. Good luck! Hi there, I am a fan of PC games and I found this awesome website https://www.gamesdownloadauthority. eccc085e13